We have compiled a list of Monica Bellucci hottest nude photos from different magazines and ads. Monica is well over 50 now but she is so hot that she can give any 18 year old a run for her money.
She is so gorgeous that unless someone mention it there is no way you can guess her age. Those photos are from last 15 years and most of them are from Italian magazines. My favourite photo among those is the one where she is pregnant with big tummy. It is always a big turn on looking at beautiful pregnant bitches. The person who has breeded her is really lucky to get to cum inside her cunt. She began her career modeling for Italian brands such as Dolace and Gabbana and Dior.
Then she started appearing in Italian movies and latest movies on to Hollywood finally until present. My most favourite film of her is Melena where she is getting fucked by a young school boy. It has plenty of nude scenes revealing her bushy pussy that needs good fuck.