poonam pandeyFor the first time Indian celeb goes nude on camera and its Poonam Pandey. The internet celebrity of India Poonam Pandey has released this sexy video on Twitter titles “Wanted”. It was a shame that not a single celebrity from land of Kamasutra had not made nude video. Now Poonam Pandey has done it and given her fans a super treat to warm in the monsoon. She is wearing just a panty and shirt without bra inside. And oh my god!! Those bolbous big boobs with dark brown nipples are hot as fuck. We knew she had big tits but did not expect such big mammaries. Unfortunately we don’t see her pussy or ass, but I’m pretty sure we will get a view of it very soon. Poonam Pandey had come to limelight when she offered to strip naked for the Indian Cricket team during 2011 World Cup.