padma lakshmiHere are some hottest nude photos collection of Padma Lakshmi from various shoots she has done. Padma Lakshmi has been known for her sexy body and no holds barred attitude.




As you can see coming from the land of Kamasutra, Padma has really been the part. Her boobs are sexy and firm with lovely nipples on top. She is now 47 year but still very sexy and hot like a bitch as fuck. Once married to the old Muslim writer Salman Rushdie, but their marriage did not last long. Obviously she would have laughed at his tiny little speck of a dick. That’s why at the same time she start to have affair with a guy called Adam Dell and bore a child from him.

She started her career by writing cookbook and even won awards for it. Now she is judging chef based cooking reality show called top chef. It even won Emmy award for outstanding Reality competition program.

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